
{ActiveX= Width, Height ObjectName }



Numeric. An integer value for the maximum number of characters to display on one line. The actual number displayed may be less because of word wrap.


Numeric. Optional. Default = 1. The number of rows to display. This may be a fractional number, such as 1.25.


Pointer. A pointer variable with the following properties.


The ActiveX Xdialog command, its properties, and examples involving ActiveX control events.

The {ActiveX} command displays an ActiveX control on an Xdialog.

Using ActiveX Control Events

The ActiveX control should provide documentation on its events and the appropriate arguments. If this information is lacking, you can place the ActiveX control on an Alpha Anywhere desktop form, which will generate the list of event functions. After placing the ActiveX control on the page, right click on the control and select Events > ActiveXEvent. If the control has any events, you will see a script similar to the following.

function contextmenuaction as v (itemIndex as N)
end function
function displaychanged as v ()
end function
function documentcomplete as v ()
end function
function onblur as v ()
end function
Hopefully, your ActiveX control's documentation will make it clear when events fire, and suggest how and why to use them. Write code for only those events you want to use.

If you want to write code to respond to any of the ActiveX control's events, here is an example using the Mabry Grid (note the code setting Grid.Events ). In this case the Mabry Grid publishes an event called UnboundReadData.

dim vl as P
vl = local_variables()
dim shared t as P
' The Grid control
dim grid as P
dim grid.object as P
dim grid.class as C
grid.class = "mabry.gridx"
dlg_title = "Budget Data"
' Grid Control Event Handlers
grid.events = <<%code%
Function UnboundReadData as v (nRowIndex as N, pRowData as p)
if t.fetch_goto(nRowIndex + 1) then
    for Index = 1 to field_count
        fld = t.field_get(Index)
        pRowDataIndex-1 = eval("t."+ fld.name_get())
end if
End function
dlg_source = <<%dlg%
{sp}<%i=$a5_window_close;O={J=C} {I=1} Close; %18,1.5&Close!close>{sp};
' Dialog Event Handlers
dlg_event = <<%code%
if a_dlg_button = "close" .or. a_dlg_button = "" then
    if t.isopen("budget") then
    end if
end if
if a_dlg_button = "init" then
    a_dlg_button = ""
    grid.object.DataMode = 1329745493 ' 0x4f424e44 ' mgxUnboundedMode
    ' populate the headings of the grid
    t = table.open("budget")
    field_count = t.fields_get()
    for i = 1 to field_count
        fld = t.field_get(i)
        evaluate_template("col = grid.object.Columns.Add(\"" + fld.name_get()+ "\")")
        col.EditType = 1 ' text box edit style
        col.allowsorting = .t.
        if (i <> 1) then ' In this particular case, only the first column is character
            col.sorttype = 1 ' ask for a numeric sort
        end if
    grid.object.Views(0).GridLineStyle = 1' mgxSmallDots
    grid.object.Views(0).ColumnAutoResize = .t.
    grid.object.Views(0).Mode = 5 ' mgxGroupingRowView
    'Tell GridX1 how many rows you have in your dataset
    grid.object.RowsCount = t.records_get()
end if
if a_dlg_button = "AddData" then
    a_dlg_button = ""
    if GridData.Size()< MasterData.Size()then
        dim nRowCount as N
        'first we add the row to the dataset
        nRowCount = GridData.size()+ 1
        'set values in the last row in the array
        for each Element in GridDataProps
            dim Expr as C
            Expr = "GridDatanRowCount." + Element + " = MasterDatanRowCount." + Element
        'Now adjust the RowsCount
        grid.object.RowsCount = nRowCount
        ' If one of the columns is sorted we have to call Refresh method
        if nRowCount >= MasterData.size()then
            dlg_addEnabled = .f.
        end if
    end if
end if


Desktop applications only

See Also